Fundraising & Donations


Donate to INFACT

If you are thinking of donating to INFACT ………thank you. The money that is raised by donations and fundraising events, is used to pay for many things, which include:

  • Enable INFACT to provide free educational material to parents, carers and health professionals
  • To pay for the online and offline marketing of the charity, including leaflets, brochures, websites, advertising and more
  • To continue the National Campaign at Parliament which includes lobbying MPs in the House of Commons and House of Lords
  • To continue the meetings we have at the Department of Health , MHRA and others
  • To pay the  daily running costs of the charity

Regular Donations

If you are able to consider a regular donation, you can set up a standing order each week/month for the amount of your choice.

The charity’s bank details are as follows:

Bank: Natwest, Garstang

Account: Independant Fetal Anti Convulsant Trust

Account Number: 28672461

Sort-Code: 01-03-33

Donate Here 


Go Fund Me

If you would like to discuss fundraising activities please email :